Janek Kruczkowski

Solving React.js Rehydration Mismatch: A Comprehensive Guide

React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building fast and efficient user interfaces. One of the core features of React.js is its ability to perform server-side rendering (SSR) and client-side rendering (CSR), which improves performance and user experience. However, a common issue that arises is the rehydration mismatch problem. In this article, we will discuss the causes, effects, and strategies to solve the rehydration mismatch problem in React.js.

Understanding Rehydration for Non-React Developers

Rehydration is a term used in the context of web development, particularly when working with libraries like React.js. The concept of rehydration revolves around two rendering approaches: server-side rendering (SSR) and client-side rendering (CSR). In SSR, the HTML content is generated on the server and sent to the browser, while in CSR, the browser generates the HTML content based on JavaScript code.

Rehydration is the process of combining the advantages of both SSR and CSR. It begins with rendering the initial HTML content on the server, which is then sent to the browser. When the JavaScript code is executed on the client-side (browser), it "rehydrates" the server-rendered content by attaching event handlers and applying any necessary updates to the content based on the application's state. This process ensures that the web page is not only interactive but also has improved performance and SEO benefits, thanks to the initial server-rendered content.

In simpler terms, rehydration can be thought of as "waking up" the server-rendered content and making it interactive by adding client-side JavaScript capabilities. This process enables developers to create fast, efficient, and user-friendly web applications.

Causes of Rehydration Mismatch in React.js

There are several factors that contribute to the rehydration mismatch problem. These include:

  • Improper server-side rendering: When the server-side rendered markup does not match the client-side rendered markup, React will discard the server-rendered content and re-render the component on the client-side, causing a mismatch.
  • Unmatched DOM and Virtual DOM: React uses a virtual DOM to track changes in the application state. If the actual DOM and virtual DOM don't match during the rehydration process, React will generate a mismatch warning.
  • Asynchronous data fetching: When data is fetched asynchronously on the client-side but not on the server-side, the rendered content can differ between the two, leading to a rehydration mismatch.
  • Conditional rendering: If conditional rendering is based on factors that differ between the server and the client, such as user-agent, it can result in different content being rendered on both sides, causing a mismatch.

Effects of Rehydration Mismatch

Rehydration mismatch issues can have several negative impacts on your application, including:

  • Performance issues: The mismatch can lead to unnecessary client-side rendering, causing slow page load times and degraded performance.

  • Unexpected UI behavior: When the server-rendered content is discarded, users may see a flash of the original content before the client-side rendering takes place, leading to a poor user experience.

  • Server-rendered content discarded: The primary purpose of server-side rendering is to improve performance and SEO. However, with rehydration mismatch, the benefits of SSR are lost.

Strategies to Solve Rehydration Mismatch

There are several strategies to address the rehydration mismatch problem:

  • Ensuring consistent server and client rendering: Make sure both server and client render the same content by using the same data, components, and logic.
  • Handling asynchronous data fetching: Ensure that data is fetched and rendered consistently on both the server and client sides.
  • Utilizing keys and placeholders: Use unique keys and placeholders to identify and render content consistently between server and client sides.
  • Employing useMemo and useCallback: These React hooks help in optimizing the rendering process by memoizing the values and functions, which can help prevent unnecessary re-renders and reduce the chances of rehydration mismatch.

Common Rehydration Mismatch Scenarios

Certain scenarios are more prone to rehydration mismatch problems:

  • Date and time manipulation: When displaying date and time data, differences in time zones or formatting between the server and client can cause mismatches.
  • Responsive designs and media queries: If your application's CSS relies heavily on media queries for responsiveness, differences in viewport sizes and device types between server and client rendering can lead to a rehydration mismatch.
  • Third-party libraries and components: Some third-party libraries or components may not be compatible with server-side rendering, causing inconsistencies between server and client-rendered content.

Best Practices to Prevent Rehydration Mismatch

Adopting these best practices can help you prevent rehydration mismatch issues:

  • Testing and monitoring: Regularly test your application for rehydration mismatches and monitor server-rendered content to ensure consistency.
  • Utilizing React-specific tools: Tools like Next.js and Gatsby can help you build server-rendered React applications with minimal rehydration issues.
  • Structuring your codebase: Organize your codebase to separate components that are safe for server-side rendering from those that should be client-rendered only.

Handling Asynchronous Data Fetching

One of the main causes of rehydration mismatch is inconsistent handling of asynchronous data fetching between server and client sides. To address this, you can use the useState and useEffect hooks to fetch data consistently.javascript

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

function DataComponent() {
  const [data, setData] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    async function fetchData() {
      const response = await fetch('/api/data');
      const result = await response.json();
  }, []);

  return (
      {data ? (
        data.map((item) =><div key={item.id}>{item.name}</div>)
      ) : (

In this example, we use useState to initialize the data state to null and useEffect to fetch data asynchronously once the component mounts. This ensures that the fetched data is consistent between the server and client sides.

Using useMemo and useCallback

To optimize rendering and prevent unnecessary re-renders, you can use the useMemo and useCallback hooks:javascript

import React, { useState, useMemo, useCallback } from 'react';

function ListComponent({ items, onClick }) {
  const sortedItems = useMemo(() => {
    return items.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
  }, [items]);

  const handleClick = useCallback(
    (itemId) => {

  return (
      {sortedItems.map((item) => (
       <li key={item.id} onClick={() => handleClick(item.id)}>

In this example, useMemo is used to memoize the sorted items array to prevent re-sorting on every render, while useCallback is used to memoize the handleClick function to avoid unnecessary re-renders of child components.

Conditional Rendering with useState

If conditional rendering is causing a rehydration mismatch, you can use the useState hook to manage the rendering state:javascript

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

function ConditionalComponent() {
  const [isClient, setIsClient] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return (
      {isClient ? (
       <p>This content is only rendered on the client-side.</p>
      ) : (
       <p>This content is rendered on both server and client-side.</p>

In this example, the isClient state is initialized to false, and the useEffect hook sets it to true once the component is mounted on the client-side. This allows you to conditionally render content based on whether the component is rendered on the server or client-side, preventing a rehydration mismatch.

Remember, these are just a few examples of how you can use React hooks to address rehydration mismatch issues. The key is to ensure consistency between server-side and client-side rendering, optimize the rendering process, and manage the application state effectively.


In conclusion, the React.js rehydration mismatch problem can be challenging, but understanding its causes and adopting strategies to address it can significantly improve your application's performance and user experience. By following best practices and employing the right tools, you can minimize the risk of rehydration mismatch issues and build robust, optimized React applications.